How to Find the Best Cutting and Pasting Activities for Preschoolers


Cutting and pasting activities are a great way to help your preschoolers develop their fine motor skills. Cut and paste activities can also be a lot of fun! Let’s take a look at some different types of cutting and pasting activities for preschoolers, as well as the benefits they offer your kids.

cutting and pasting activities for preschoolers - a collage with a variety of activity ideas

What are the benefits of cutting and pasting activities?

Cutting and pasting activities can be very fun and engaging for young kids. The cutting activities also have many benefits for kids.

build hand muscles and develop fine motor skills

You can use cut and paste activities to help preschoolers build hand muscles and develop fine motor skills. Cutting with scissors and using glue can be tricky at first, but once they learn how to do it correctly, they will find it much easier and more fun.

dinosaur printable fine motor crafts and cutting and pasting activities for preschoolers. An orange dinosaur with a pair of purple scissors.


When kids use scissors frequently, their scissor skills will improve. In addition, cut and paste activities are a motivating and meaningful way for kids to improve their cutting skills.

Develop Bilateral Coordination

Cutting and pasting provide kids with an opportunity to develop bilateral coordination. Bilateral coordination refers to the ability of both hands to work together.  

Additional Benefits

Cutting and pasting activities also give kids a chance to use creativity, imagination, and decision-making skills to create new things.

How to choose The Best Cutting and Pasting Activities for Preschoolers

There are many cut and paste activities out there. Here are some considerations to help you look for developmentally appropriate activities for your kids.

Developmentally Appropriate

Not all kids are at the same level, so it is important to find an activity that is challenging but not too difficult or frustrating.

Begin with Simple Cut and Paste Activities

An activity where kids just cut and paste construction paper or other simple materials instead of a printable activity sheet is the best cutting and pasting activity for beginners.

When your kids are ready for printable cutting and pasting activities, look for printable activities that have simple lines. Activities that require kids to cut intricate shapes are too difficult for young kids who are just learning to use or hold scissors.

easy cutting and pasting activities for preschooelrs - apple tree and house

Types of Cut & Paste Activities

There are so many different types of cut and paste activities that you can find for your kids. Check out these ideas. I know that you will find some that you and your kids enjoy.

Cutting and Pasting Collage

Here is an excellent process art activity for kids who are just starting to learn how to use scissors.

Give your kids some strips of paper. They can easily cut the strips into squares and rectangles. Then, they can glue the pieces onto a piece of paper.

cutting and pasting activities with paper strips

You can make this simple activity extra fun by adding some strips of fun thematic paper, or strips of glitter paper.

Are your kids ready for more of a challenge? Provide scrap colored paper and have them cut out different shapes and then glue them to a piece of paper.

cutting and pasting activities cut paper collage

To make the activity more interesting, provide additional fun materials like yarn, colorful tape, fancy scrapbook paper, or catalogs for kids to add to their creations.

Cut and Paste Letter Collage

Don’t throw out items like junk mail. Instead, let your children use it for cutting practice activities. For example, they can cut out words and letters and paste them to paper.

Cutting and pasting on Paper with a Printed Image

Provide strips of construction paper, and let your kids practice snipping the strips into small squares. They can then paste the strips onto a printable activity page.

cutting and pasting activities with a printable image

Glue Snip Strip Images to Paper

Teachers love using my hole punch and cut activities as a great beginner cutting activity for kids. You can make the snipping activity more challenging and exciting by having kids glue the sniped images onto paper.

cutting and pasting activities with printable

Alphabet Cut and Paste Activity

Prefer an alphabet cut and paste activity for your children? These alphabet hole punch printables fit the bill.

hole punch activity and cut and paste activity

Cut and Paste Printables

There are many cut and paste activity pages out there. These simple activities are part of my monthly fine motor activity sets and they are designed to be super simple for preschoolers. It’s also really easy to differentiate these cutting pages.

cutting and pasting activities printables for preschoolers

The printable activities have five images of objects that a child can glue to the background. Kids can count to 5 as they stick the objects to the picture, making this a perfect math and counting activity.

Cut and Paste Puzzles

These cutting practice puzzles are a motivating way to get kids to work on their cutting skills. They have to cut them apart, rearrange the pieces, and then glue them to a background

An apple truck three piece cut and paste puzzle with glue stick and scissors.

I love that the puzzles include a wide variety of options from simple two-piece puzzles to ones with more pieces and complex cutting lines.

A variety of ice cream theme cutting practice puzzles - an example of simple cutting and pasting activities for preschoolers

Cutting and Pasting Fine Motor Crafts

There are MANY benefits of crafts for kids in preschool. One of the biggest benefits is that a good craft activity is a motivating way to help kids build fine motor skills.

I started designing some printable fine motor craft activities that allow kids to practice cutting, snipping, tracing, and, yes….even hole punching.

A grid with a variety of printable fine motor crafts for preschoolers and kindergarteners. The images include a recycling truck, Earth day seedling, astronaut, ladybug, rocket, sun, butterfly, bumble bee, duck, dinosaurs, bunny, chick, frog, flowers, and rainbow crafts to practice scissor skills, build hand strength with hole punch, and pre-writing practice.

You can get printable fine motor crafts for all kinds of seasons and themes, including Spring crafts like Earth Day Crafts, pond life crafts. Don’t forget to check out the space-theme craft activities and cute dinosaur crafts as well.

Cut and Paste Name Crafts

Nothing is more motivating than an activity with a child’s name on it. These easy-to-prep name crafts are perfect for encouraging kids to work on scissor skills. In addition to learning how to recognize and spell their name, kids can get some line tracing and hole punching practice, too.

School bus name craft activity shown with scissors, a hole punch, crayons, and a glue stick.

Cutting and Pasting Activities in the Store

Are you ready to try some fun activities to help your preschooler develop fine motor skills? Check out these cutting and pasting activities from my store. These are easy to prep and are sure to keep engaged.

fine motor activities for the whole year
Paper tearing fine motor activity printable pages
easy cut and paste activities for kids
spring fine motor and hole punch crafts for kids
cut and paste puzzle bundle for cutting practice
name craft bundle

Purchase The Cut & Paste Printables on TPT

Do you prefer to shop at Teachers Pay Teachers? You can also purchase the Cutting and Pasting Printables in my TPT Store.

Additional Cutting Practice Ideas