How to Use These Free Sorting Mats for Engaging Letter Recognition Activities
Use these free printable sorting mats for magnetic letter activities. Kids can learn how to identify letters of the alphabet by sorting them by shape and style
Sometimes, kids have a difficult time recognizing the difference between one letter and the next. Sorting magnetic letters on sorting mats is a great way to help children learn to see the attributes that make each letter unique and ultimately learn how to identify each letter of the alphabet.
Use these sorting mats for engaging letter recognition activities. The mats will help your kids focus on the shapes of individual letters so they can more easily identify the differences between different letters.

Sorting Magnetic Letters with Letter Mats
There are many different ways to sort the letters of the alphabet. I have made a bunch of sorting mats that you can download at the bottom of this post. Kids can find the letters that have curves, straight lines, horizontal lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines, tails. They can find letters in their name, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, tall letters, and short letters.

Use a Cookie Sheet as a Magnetic Tray
Use the alphabet sorting mats on cookie sheets or magnetic boards with magnetic letters. You can also use the sorting mats on a table or tray with alphabet beads, ABC blocks, letter cards, letter stones, etc.

While I created many sorting mats for you to use for letter activities, I recommend keeping it simple and using one at a time. I like to grab a handful of magnetic letters and place them on the bottom of a cookie sheet. Kids can examine the letters at the bottom of the sheet. Then, they can place the letters that meet the criteria listed onto the mat.

Download the Magnetic Letter Activities Mats
To download sorting mats to use with your kids, click on the link below.
I hope that you enjoy using the sorting mats for magnetic letter activities. Do you sort letters of the alphabet in another way? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

Are you interested in additional hands-on alphabet activities? Click on the images below to check out the following resources in my store: