Snowman Game: Free Printable Roll & Cover Math Game for Kids
Use this cute snowman game to help kids work on number skills. The free snowman printable includes 4 levels of game boards so that you can use them with many different learners.
It’s a very cold day down here in Texas. Although we don’t have any snow, it is the perfect kind of day to get out a good snowman game. Today, I have a snowman roll and cover number game for you. The free snowman printable is a fun Christmas game or winter themed game for kids.

Download your Snowman Game
The game is listed as a freebie in my TPT store. The first thing that you will need to do is go there to download your Snowman Game. Then, print off the pages that you wish to use. While you are there, be sure to follow my store so that you can be the first to know when I post new resources and fun freebies.

The set includes 4 different game boards so that you can challenge kids at different levels of learning. I have also included some printable snowflake circles. The circles can be used to cover the squares on the game board but little erasers, small snowflake ornaments, buttons, cotton balls, etc can be used in their place. You will need a standard 1-6 die to play.

Games for Beginners
Games for Beginners
For those kiddos who have not yet mastered numerals, there is a dot pattern version. Kids take turns rolling the die and covering the matching dot pattern on the game board. The first child to cover 4 squares in a row is the winner. There is also a version with the numerals…and kids can play in the same manner.

Increase the Challenge
If kids are up for a challenge, you can use the one more and one less game board. To play with the one more game board kids will roll the die, add 1 to the number on the die and cover the corresponding number on the game board. So, if a child rolls a 4 he or she would cover the 5 on the game board because 4 +1 = 5. To play with the one less game board, kids would subtract 1 from the number rolled and cover the resulting number. So, if a child rolls 4 he or she would cover the 3 on the game board.
I hope that you enjoy playing this little snowman game with your kiddos. If you are interested in more snowman and winter activities, please see the following resources in my store.