Winter Math Activities with Printable Snowflake Number Circles [Free Printable]


Are you looking for winter math activities for preschool kids? Try these snowflake number circles. Use the free math printables in muffin tins or use them to make counting containers. You can also use the printables to work on early math concepts like counting, one-to-one correspondence, number identification, number sense, and even basic addition.

Many of you enjoyed the apple number circles that I posted a few months ago.  Now, I have some number circles to use for winter math activities.

winter math activities for preschool - snowflake number circles are in metal muffin tin and blue and white pom poms are used as counters.

Muffin Tin Winter Math Activities for Preschool

These snowflake number circles will fit perfectly in the bottom of a muffin tin and kids can use them to practice counting pom poms, small snowflake ornaments, beads, mini-erasers, cotton balls, etc. Get out tongs, tweezers, or training chopsticks and it also becomes a fun fine motor practice activity.

Disclaimer:  WARNING.  Small parts can present a choking hazard.  Use larger counters for children under 3 years.

I included 7 ideas for using number circles in my previous post.  Now, I want to share an additional idea – making number counting containers for hands-on learning activities.

How to Make Counting Containers

blue bell ice cream containers are used for a winter math activity and craft for preschool

I have a bunch of these little ice cream containers at home.  My kiddo happens to be an ice cream lover, and we frequently purchase packages of Blue Bell’s single-serving cups.  You haven’t heard of Blue Bell ice cream?……then you must not be in Texas.  Texans are crazy about this stuff…..and I must say that it is pretty good.  If you don’t have the handy Blue Bell containers – don’t worry.  Any type of small container (like Ziploc containers or small potato chip containers) will work, too.

I began by covering my containers and lids with light blue card stock.  I then cut out a set of printable snowflake number circles and attached them to the lids with double-stick tape.

winter snowflake number activity - printable snowflake number circles are attached to a round container.

If you cut out a second set of snowflake number circles and add them to the inside of each cup, kids can practice number recognition as they match the numbers on the lid with the number inside the cup.  Putting the lids on the cups and taking them off is also a great fine motor skills exercise for kids.

Use Winter Theme Counters

pom poms are used as counters for a winter counting and fine motor activity for preschool

Now that your containers are complete, they are ready to use in your math centers to work on early math skills. It’s also fun to use the containers in a winter sensory bin filled with fake snow.

Kids can identify the number on the cup and place a corresponding number of items inside. You can use a variety of different things as counters.  Pom poms, cotton balls, or mini erasers work great.

silver snowflake ornaments are used for a winter math activity for preschool

The small, plastic snowflake ornaments that I picked up at an after-Christmas sale work well too.

snowflake stickers on blue and white plastic bottle caps are used as counters for a winter math activity for preschool

Here, I added stickers to the top of milk caps to use as counters….which are perfect for little hands.  If you use two different colors of counters, kids can practice composing and decomposing numbers.

Download the Printable for Your Preschool Winter Math Activities

Are you ready to get started with some fun, hands-on counting activities with these number circles?  Complete the form below, and I will be sure to send the printable to your inbox.

I’m sure that you will find additional ways to use the snowflake number circles with your little learners this winter season.  I would love to hear about how you use them for your winter-theme math activities and lesson plans.

Additional Winter Printables in the Shop

Are you looking for additional winter theme activity ideas?  Check out the following resources in my website store.

Name Craft - Winter Mitten Theme
Name Art Coloring Sheets - Winter Theme
Hole Punch Activity - Snowflake Theme
snowflake activity bundle
snowman name puzzles
winter comparing weight activities
snowflake cutting patterns
January and winter fine motor activities for preschool and kindergarten
winter fine motor task cards
peguin and polar bear craft
penguin activity bundle

Purchase the Winter Activities on Teachers Pay Teachers

Do you prefer to shop at Teachers Pay Teachers? You can also purchase the winter activities in my TPT store.

Additional Winter Activities for Preschool

Here are some additional winter activity ideas for Early Learning Ideas.