Valentine’s Day Game for Kids [Free Printable]


Here is a fun Valentine’s Day game for kids. Use this free printable roll and cover game for your Valentine’s Day theme math centers or workstations.

Here is a fun Valentine’s Day roll and cover math game to use in your math centers or workstations.  I love roll and cover games, because kids can play them individually or with a group.  You can easily adapt the games for a variety of learning levels.  Plus…they are quick and they are easy for kids to understand.

A great Valentine's Day game for kids.

Select your Game Board


I have included 4 different versions of game boards so that you can practice different concepts with your kids.  Kids who don’t know their numbers yet can play with the dot pattern game board.  Are your kids learning to recognize numerals? They can use the basic roll and cover game board.  Kids who are ready for more of a challenge can use the one more or one less game boards.

A Valentine's Day Roll and Cover game.  use conversation hearts as game pieces.

Prepare to Play

To start, you will need to print the game boards.  Next, you will need to find some kind of counters.  Here are a few ideas:

  • conversation hearts
  • plastic hearts, pennies
  • blocks
  • magnetic chips (kids can see the numbers when they are covered)
  • erasers

I also like to use a counter that can be stacked, and I’ll show you why in a minute.  You will also need a single 1-6 die to play the game.

A Valentine's Day Roll and Cover Game for Kids.

Let’s Play a Valentine’s Day Game


Give 1 game board and at least 6 counters to each child.  Use 1 die per group of kids.

If the kids are playing with the dot pattern or 1-6 game board:  Each child takes a turn rolling the die, identifying the dot pattern on the die (count the dots if needed), and cover the corresponding heart on his or her game board.   When a child rolls a number and finds that they have already covered that number on the game board, the turn is passed to the next player.* Let the kids continue to roll and cover until all of the hearts have been covered.

If the kids are playing with the +1 game board:  Each child take turns rolling, identifying the number represented on the die, determining the number that results when 1 is added to the rolled number, and cover that number on his or her game board.  For example, when the number 5 is rolled, the heart with the 6 would be covered because 5 +1 = 6

If the kids are playing with the 1 less game board:  Each child takes a turn rolling the die, identifying the number represented on the die, and determining what number would result when 1 is subtracted from that number.  For example, when a child rolls number 5, he or she would cover the number 4 because 5 – 1 = 4.

A Valentine's Day Math Game for Kids.

The game ends when the first child in the group covers all of the numbers on his or her game board.

Additional Ideas

Sometimes a good idea to let kids make up their own rules.  This is what happened the first time that I played this game with a group.  We happened to be playing with counters that stacked. The kids decided that they wanted to stack counters whenever they rolled the same number more than once.   This turned out to be a great thing because it generated more conversation about numeracy.  The kids started comparing the stacks on their game boards…..which number had the most hearts, which number had the fewest, etc.

Download Your Free Valentine’s Game for Kids

The Roll & Cover Valentine’s Day math game is listed as a freebie in my TPT store.  While you are there, be sure to follow me so that you can get updates when I post new resources and freebies.

Find more ideas for Valentine’s Day at Early Learning Ideas:

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