Simple Life Science Activities for Preschoolers – How to Make Science FUN


As a preschool teacher, you know that engaging your students in hands-on science activities is a great way to help them learn about the world around them. But sometimes it can be difficult to come up with new ideas for activities that are both fun and educational. Let me give you some ideas for simple life science activities for preschoolers that your kids will love!

A preschool girl looking through a magnifying glass at a plant - an example of simple life science activities for preschoolers

What is Life Science?

Life science is the study of living things. This includes plants, animals, and humans. This can include the study of how these living things grow, what they need to survive, and how they interact with their environment.

Why is Life Science Important for Preschoolers?

Life science is important for preschoolers because it helps them understand the world around them. It also helps them develop critical thinking skills and a love for learning. Preschoolers are naturally curious about the world around them, so life science is a great subject to focus on in your classroom.

Life Science Topics for Preschoolers

Not sure what life science looks like in a preschool classroom? Here are some topic ideas and activities that you can add to your science center. I think these will give you a great start. Oh…and don’t be afraid to share big terms with your kids.

Entomology – the study of insects

This is a great life science topic for preschoolers because they are fascinated by insects! Insects are all around us, so this is a perfect opportunity to help your students learn about the world around them. There are many different types of insects, so you can focus on one type or several. You can also discuss the life cycle of an insect and how they change as they grow.

An cardboard box lid with several plastic insects attached. - an example of simple life science activities for preschoolers

botany – the study of plants

This is a great life science topic for preschoolers because they love to be outside and explore! Botany is the perfect opportunity to help your students learn about the plant life around them. You can discuss different types of plants, how they grow, and how they are important to our environment. This is also a great opportunity to discuss the life cycle of a plant and how it changes as it grows.

study the part of a plant with your preschoolers

zoology – the study of animals

This is a great life science topic for preschoolers because they are fascinated by animals! Zoology is the perfect opportunity to help your students learn about the animal life around them. You can discuss different types of animals, how they live, and how they are important to our environment. This is also a great opportunity to discuss the life cycle of an animal and how it changes as it grows.

a preschool life science activity printable about animals and their babies

physiology – the study of how the body works

This is a great life science topic for preschoolers because they are always asking questions about their bodies! Physiology is the perfect opportunity to help your students learn about how their bodies work. You can discuss different parts of the body, how they work together, and how we need to take care of our bodies. This is also a great opportunity to discuss the life cycle of a human and how we change as we grow. You can discuss different organs, bones, and muscles. This is also a great opportunity to discuss how our bodies change as we grow.

ecology – the study of how living things interact with their environment

This is a great life science topic for preschoolers because they are always asking questions about their environment! Ecology is the perfect opportunity to help your students learn about how living things interact with their environment. You can discuss different parts of the environment, how they work together, and how we need to take care of our environment. This is also a great opportunity to discuss the life cycle of different plants and animals and how they change as they grow.

microbiology – the study of very small organisms

This is a great life science topic for preschoolers because they are always asking questions about germs and bacteria! Microbiology is the perfect opportunity to help your students learn about how very small organisms can have a big impact on our lives. You can discuss different types of bacteria, how they can make us sick, and how we need to take care of our bodies.

There are so many different life science topics that you can explore with your students! I’m willing to bet that after looking over the list above you realize that you know a lot more about science than you thought.

Am I right?

These are just a few ideas to get you started. No matter what life science topic you choose, your students will love learning about the world around them!

Simple Life Science Activity Ideas

Now that you have some life science topics in mind, it’s time to start planning some activities! Here are some fun ideas to get you started:

Sorting and Classifying Activities

Kids can learn to classify living things through simple and easy sorting activities.

Living versus Nonliving – Life science is all about living things, so this is a great place to start! Give your students a variety of images and have them sort them into two groups: living and nonliving.

life science sorting activity for preschoolers about living and non-living things

Plant versus animal – Kids can learn about the difference between plants and animals by sorting images of each.

plant versus animal sort as an example of an easy preschool life science activity

Developmental Stages – Kids can learn about the human life cycle by sorting images of people at different stages of life. They can learn about the development of animals by sorting animal babies from adult animals.

human developmental sorting activity is an easy life science activityg

Animals & Their Coverings – Kids can do a simplified classification of animals when they sort them by the type of covering they have: fur, feathers, or scales.

fur, feather, and scales sorting mats for animal coverings activity

Scientific Investigations for Little Learners

Observing life science in a hands-on way is one of the best ways for kids to learn about it! Here are some fun ideas for life science investigations that your students will love:

Pumpkin Investigation – This is a great activity to do in the fall! Students can conduct a scientific investigation of pumpkins by looking at them from the outside and then cutting them open to see what’s inside. They can weigh, measure, and record their observations. Plus, they can learn all about the pumpkin life cycle.

pumpkin science sorting activity. Kids can sort seeds, pulp, and flesh.

Apple Investigation – This is a great activity to do in the fall! Students can study apple science by looking at them from the outside and then cutting them open to see what’s inside. They can weigh, measure, and record their observations. Plus, they can learn all about the apple life cycle.

measure an apple's circumference with a ribbon

Tree and Leaves InvestigationA science unit on trees and leaves is a great activity to do in the fall! Students can select a leaf from a tree and then observe it closely. They can make sketches of the leaf and record their observations. They can learn about the parts of a leaf and the life cycle of a tree.

Parts of a leaf poster or diagram so that kids can identify the parts on their leaves.

Plant Investigation – While investigating plants and seeds, you students plant a seed and observe its growth. They can learn about the parts and life cycle of a plant. Provide some green beans so that kids can measure, and classify their beans before cutting them open to see what’s inside.

Flower Investigation – Students can learn about the parts of a flower by doing this fun flower investigation. They will need to find a flower, observe it closely, and then record their observations. Kids can also plant flower seeds and record their observations.

flower seed planting bags in flower science investigation project

Learn About Life Science Through Dramatic Play

Dramatic play is a great way for kids to learn about life science concepts! Here are some fun ideas:

Insect Research Lab – The insect-themed dramatic play activity is great for kids who are interested in insects. They can pretend to be scientists and do research on different types of insects.

insect research lab dramatic play

Farm Stand – This fun activity is perfect for exploring life cycles! Kids can pretend to run a farm stand and sell fruits and vegetables that they have grown.

Pet Rescue Center – In this animal shelter dramatic play activity, kids pretend to run a pet rescue center. They can help lost animals find their way home and learn about different types of animals.

dramatic play area ideas for animal shelter

Additional Life Science Activities

Here are a few additional life science activities that your students will love:

Field Trips – Field trips are a great way for kids to learn about life science in a hands-on way. Visit a local farm, zoo, or nature center. If you can’t take your kids out, ask a local farmer or rancher to bring some baby animals for a visit.

Books – Check out some life science books from the library. There are so many great books about animals, plants, and the human body.

Hatch Chicks – This is a great activity to do in the spring! Kids can learn about the life cycle of a chicken by hatching chicks.

Order Butterflies or Ladybugs – This is a great activity to do in the spring! Kids can learn about the life cycle of a butterfly or ladybug by ordering them online.

Classroom Pets – Classroom pets are a great way for kids to learn about life science. Be sure to choose an animal that is easy to care for and won’t be too much work for you!

As you can see, there are many fun and educational life science activities that your students will love! So get started today and let the learning begin

Purchase The Life Science Activities Today

Are you ready to get started with some life science activities with your kids? Check out the following resources available in the store.

entomology lab dramatic play printables
Science Investigation Activity bundle for preschoolers
animal shelter dramatic play center

Purchase on TPT

Do you prefer to shop at Teachers Pay Teachers? You can also purchase these science activities in my TPT Store.