Fun & Easy Snowman Craft Ideas To Make With Kids


Ready to bring some winter magic into your home or classroom? Crafts are the perfect way to celebrate the winter season, and I have lots of fun & easy snowman craft ideas for you and your kids.

Collage of snowman craft ideas for kids

Coming from a place where snow was actually part of the season, it kind of cracks me up to see snowmen decorating classrooms and hallways down here in Texas.

Whether it’s warm or chilly where you are, it’s always fun to create some snowman magic with your kids during the winter months. Let’s take a look at these cute snowman craft ideas. Many of these winter craft projects require simple craft supplies or everyday items that you might already have in your home or classroom.

Printable Snowman Craft Ideas

These cute snowman crafts are part of my snowman fine motor craft set. The printable fine motor crafts were designed to be a great way to build fine motor skills in a fun way. You kids will work on their scissor skills as they cut out all the snowman parts. They can work on pencil grip and control as they trace the dotted lines on the design, and they even get to use a hole punch to build hand strength.

printable snowmen crafts shown with a hole punch, scissors, and glue stick.

I like that there are two printing options. You can print the individual parts on colorful paper, or you can use the no-prep option, where all the parts for one craft are on the same page.

no prep snowman craft ideas for kids

snowman crafts and fine motor activities
JUST Purchase the Printables

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Here are the quick links to purchase the printable snowman fine motor craft activity.

Circles Snowman Craft

I love these circle cookie cutters. They are perfect for snowman playdough activities, or you can use them as templates to create circles on white paper for a snowman body.

snowman craft ideas - blue paper, white paper, circle cookie cutters, a pencil, and scissors are shown in the image.

Show your kids how to trace circles on a piece of white construction paper. They can cut out the circle shapes and assemble their snowman, then they can complete their snowman craft by adding a face, arms, and accessories.

Paper Plate Snowman Craft

Don’t want to cut out circles for your winter crafts? No problem. You can use paper doilies to make a doily snowman craft or supply some white paper plates to make this easy-peasy paper plate snowman craft by Crafty Morning.

Popsicle Sticks Snowman Craft Ornament

I love making these adorable snowmen Christmas ornaments with kids for holiday parties. They are Christmas crafts, but they are safe if you can’t celebrate Christmas in your school. Won’t a cute little snowman ornament look cute hanging on your Christmas tree?

I painted craft sticks and prepped the little hats in advance, and then the kids completed the DIY snowman ornaments by adding the facial features, scarf, and buttons.

snowman Christmas ornaments made from popsicle sticks - an example for snowman craft ideas for kids

Snowman Dot Sticker Strips

Looking for perfect projects to give those little hands a workout? Here is another fun fine motor activity and super simple snowman craft for young children. Kids and teachers alike love these winter-themed dot sticker printable strips. Here are some different materials that you can use with the large strips for crafty fine motor activities.

  • Apply white dot stickers or adhesive reinforcement labels to the cute snowmen on the strip.
  • Pull apart a cotton ball and paste a small piece of cotton the the snowman for a quick and easy cotton ball snowman craft.
  • Cut dissolvable packing peanuts in half. Tap the end of a peanut to a damp sponge and then stick it to the snowman strip.
printable snowman dot sticker strips with white reinforcement stickers, cotton balls, and packing peanuts applied - an example of snowman craft ideas.

You can also staple a couple of strips together to make a cute snowman headband.

paper headbands made with snowman strips

The small strips are perfect for a snowman q-tip painting activity. Kids can use cotton swabs to apply a dot of white paint on each of the adorable snowmen bellies.

q-tip painting on small snowman dot sticker strips.

The small strips are also perfect for hole punch activities. You can make a cute winter bracelet with them. Make some DIY Christmas decorations by using the strips to make fun winter paper chains.

snowman craft idea - hole punch paper snowman strips made into a paper chain.

winter dot sticker strips fine motor activity
JUST Purchase the printables

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Here are the quick links to purchase the Winter Dot Sticker Strips.

Egg Carton Snowman Craft

Cut up egg cartons so you have 3 sections. Paint it with white tempera paint and apply googly eyes, a ribbon scarf, and a carrot nose to make this egg carton snowman craft from Simple Everyday Mom.

Toilet Paper Roll Snowman Craft

I’m not going to make snomen from toilet paper rolls, but I will make a snowman craft from a cut-up paper towel roll or paper tubes. Aren’t these tube snowmen by Arty Crafty Kids so much fun?

Paint the cardboard tube white, and then supply felt, buttons, googly eyes, markers, and pipe cleaners for these cute creations. Don’t have paper tubes? Use a foam cup instead.

Snowman Painting

Looking for snowman art projects? Here are some fun ideas.

Using puffy paint in a squeeze bottle is a fun fine motor painting activity. Supply your kids with white puffy paint and blue or black construction paper, and they can create their own snowman work of art.

Draw the outline of a snowman shape on a piece of construction paper with a black marker, and your kids can outline the snowman’s body using a cotton swab to apply dots of white paint and then use orange and black paint dots to make the snowman’s face…. an easy peasy work of art!

snowman craft ideas - a snowman painting made by outlining a snowman with dots of white paint applied wiht q-tips

Or, you can make some white puffy paint for your kids, and they can make a melted snowman painting like this one from Lucky Little Learners.

Snowman Name Puzzle

It’s easy to customize a printable snowman name puzzle for your kids. Your kids can work on building their names and then glue the pieces to a long strip of construction paper or a sentence strip. Wouldn’t these fun snowman crafts look great on a bulletin board during the winter or holiday season?

printable snowman name puzzles for name activities for preschool

snowman name puzzles
JUST Purchase the Snowman Name puzzles

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Here are the quick links to purchase the printable snowman name puzzle activity.

Playdough Snowman

Mix up some white playdough and prep some snowman parts and accessories so that your kids can make snowman from playdough. You could use this idea to make mini snowmen with real snow too.

playdough snowman

Plastic Bottle Snowman Craft

Here is a fun snowman fine motor activity and craft. Clean out a sturdy plastic bottle, apply googly eyes and buttons with glue dots, and then kids can fill it up with cotton balls or white pom poms.

snowman craft idea - a plastic bottle filled with cotton balls

Purchase Printable Snowman Craft Activities in the Store

I hope these easy snowman craft ideas sparked some creativity. Are you ready to get started on some of the snowman craft ideas? Click on the images below to pick up these snowman printables in my online store.

snowman crafts and fine motor activities
winter dot sticker strips fine motor activity
snowman name puzzles

Purchase Printable Snowman Craft Activities on TPT

Do you prefer to shop at Teachers Pay Teachers? You can also purchase the snowman printables in my TPT store.

Additional Winter Activity Ideas

Here are some additional winter craft and activity ideas for you and your kids.